
HGiga C&Cmail SQL Injection

Current Description

HGiga C&Cmail has a SQL injection vulnerability, allowing execution of arbitrary SQL commands via seq parameter. 

This vulnerability affects many mail system of governments, organizations and companies.


The injection point is bkimage parameter in "modify_cmc.php".

It allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via seq parameter.

Remote attackers can gain unauthorized data like user's account and password for login into webmail.

When accessing a victim's account, remote attackers can modifiy the password.

Remote attackers also can write arbitrary files like webshell on target system. 

It compromised the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and system.


Remote attackers can execute arbitrary SQL commands.

Affected files

http://`[Target Domain]`/EIP/oll/calendar/modify_cmc.php


  • Tony Kuo (CHT Security)