Openfind MAIL2000 Webmail Post-Auth Cross-Site Scripting === ## Current Description The login feature in "/cgi-bin/portal" in MAIL2000 through version 6.0 and 7.0 has a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability, allowing execution of arbitrary code via any parameter. This vulnerability affects many mail system of governments, organizations, companies and universities. ## Details The injection point is any parameter in "/cgi-bin/portal". ### We execute arbitrary code via any paramemer. #### Description The code is executed for a user logining in to the Webmail, whenever login Page is displayed. This may allow the user to steal cookie-based authentication credentials. #### Affected files http://`[Target Domain]`/cgi-bin/portal ## Contributor * Tony Kuo (CHT Security) * Vtim (CHT Security)